Press Release
For Immediate Release
New TOTALLY FREE anti-prejudice App to offer real time, worldwide, crowd sourced reporting on incidents of prejudice, discrimination and persecution. It took 3 years, but it is finally live for Apple and Android.
Millions of acts of prejudice and discrimination, occur around the world every single day. They range from verbal insults to unspeakable acts of violence. Most go unreported but all are noticed, even if only by the persecuted and victimized. It is time the world took notice and action. The new free app, Prejudice Tracker does exactly that.
WILLOW GROVE, PA, USA, April 17, 2017
The app is totally free for non-profit, anti-prejudice organizations of all types, users, researchers, educators, NGOs, everyone.
The PrejudiceTracker™ App, is branded for each organization, which can then be selected by both their existing constituents and new users who were previously unaware of that organization.
The power of the totally FREE PrejudiceTracker™ App to help improve the lives of people who are abused and mistreated, discriminated against, and harmed economically, emotionally, and physically, and to provide an extraordinary amount of real world data, lies not in the App itself but in the millions of people we believe will report incidents that expose and describe prejudice, in every form, hopefully in every corner of the world.
Prejudice-based incidents are anonymously reported by category and type, identified as to date, time, and location, and described in the victim's own words. Victims, perpetrators, observers, and other users can comment on specific incidents and sort by geography, type, and severity of the incident. Historical data, including both macro data telling the big picture, and micro data showing specific incidents and locations are all available. Users can rate the credibility of individual incidents and also filter the data and generate charts and spread sheets.
We believe it will be a life changing tool for millions of people around the world.
David Katz
Dynamic Digital Advertising
2713 Easton Rd.
Willow Grove, PA, 19090 USA