Sample Email

Below is a sample email for you to send to the list of two hundred and eighty five anti-prejudice organizations to be found in the menu link above. Please help us encourage these organizations to play a significant role in generating press coverage for PrejudiceTracker by emailing them the sample email. Even better, send them a personal email from you, asking them to help publicize PrejudiceTracker. Thank You!

I am contacting you to ask for your help in publicizing a new, free, soon to be
available anti-prejudice App that is being developed by DDA. When launched, the
PrejudiceTracker™ App will offer real­time, worldwide, crowd­sourced reporting on
incidents of prejudice, discrimination, and persecution.

PrejudiceTracker™ is looking for your help in publicizing its Indiegogo Funding
Campaign that will launch in February and also for data you might want to make
available to the public, relating to the anti­prejudice work you are doing.

Helping to publicize PrejudiceTracker™ may benefit your organization in several ways, 
including being listed on the App as a nonprofit, antiprejudice organization that accepts 
donations in order to fund your efforts and fight prejudice.

Please check it out at
